Peugeot will launch driverless cars - Check out this news

Per: Nathalia 23/05/2024

A French automaker announced a partnership with a company working on teledriving technology: Peugeot will launch driverless cars!

This week, the French car manufacturer Peugeot announced a partnership with the German company Vay which will help in testing the “teledriving”, which will be implemented in some models of the brand.
The information was obtained from CNBC.

Peugeot will launch driverless cars:

Peugeot lançará carros sem motorista- Confira essa novidade
Peugeot will launch driverless cars - Check out this news

With the agreement, the two companies will have the opportunity to test and evaluate the technology teledriving from the Vay in delivery vans and smaller logistics vehicles provided by Peugeot.

The focus is to sell these vehicles to business-to-business (B2B) customers.

Peugeot lançará carros sem motorista
Peugeot will launch driverless cars

The objective of these tests is to simulate the normal route of a delivery vehicle from an order fulfillment center to homes or establishments, using remotely controlled cars.


This model is similar to the well-known model that Amazon already offers, but using remotely controlled cars.

Peugeot lançará carros sem motorista- Confira essa novidade
Peugeot will launch driverless cars - Check out this news

Later this year, the Vay teledriving technology will be tested for the first time in vehicles Peugeot. The company intends to incorporate the technology into electric vans and E-3008 electric SUVs.

After all, do you know what teledriving is?

  • Vehicles with teledriving they don’t have a driver; are large enough to accommodate an individual, but can be controlled remotely.
  • A teledriving allows human operators to drive cars remotely through special live view of the vehicle's surrounding environment.
    Self-driving cars, on the other hand, can drive alones without an individual being needed to control them.
  • Before being authorized to operate one of the company's teledriving stations, Vay, those responsible for remote operations undergo several weeks of specific training and receive specifications.
Peugeot lançará carros sem motorista- Confira essa novidade
Peugeot will launch driverless cars - Check out this news

A Vay claims its technology is ideal for logistics hubs and last-mile deliveries as it works well for short-distance journeys.

After merchandise has passed through distribution and delivery centers, the last mile of an order's journey to your door is called last-mile delivery.

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